

Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 60cm

Width: 60cm (40cms deep)

Materials: Wood and Steel

Completion Date: 07/03/2014

Arcadia, to me, is like a small piece of paradise - two figures (or perhaps there is just one?) entwined within a magic circle.


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 135cm

Width: 39cm x 39cm

Materials: Wood and Steel

Completion Date: 21/03/2014

And out of the formless mists of space, a spinning ball of light emerged.


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 135cm

Width: 39cm x 39cm

Materials: Wood and Steel

Completion Date: 21/03/2014

First is where the idea for Wood & Steel began.


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten




Completion Date:

Sanctuary has, to me, some of the spirit of the medieval abbey - fluted columns and stained glass reaching for the heavens, offering peace and serenity.


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 2 metres


Materials: Stainless steel

Completion Date:

Metropolis is an all stainless steel piece of outdoor sculpture created as a focal point for the front of a private home, where it is presently situated


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 6 metres

Width: 6 metres

Materials: Stainless Steel

Completion Date:

Sunburst is a sculpture built specifically for the huge outdoor space at Canwood Gallery - principally so it did not get lost there!


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 6 metres

Width: 5 metres

Materials: Stainless steel

Completion Date:

Like Sunburst, Verticals was created for the outdoor space at Canwood Gallery. Of the two, it works, I think, slightly less well.


Sculpture Creator: Walter

Height: 20cms (approx)

Width: 30cms (appox)

Materials: Wood and stainless steel

Completion Date:

A desktop sculpture created with a fragment of washed up wood found on beach in Egypt. The piece of wood is a gem.


Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 160 cms

Width: 40 cms

Materials: Wood&Steel

Completion Date:

When first created, this sculpture was said to have "not enough edge", so I re-worked it to remedy this 'defect' and Ouch! is the result.

Tree of Knowledge

Sculpture Creator: Walter van Straaten

Height: 200 cms

Width: 60 cms

Materials: Wood, steel and glass

Completion Date:

Tree of Knowledge seeks to integrate a third element into my traditional "mix" - hand blown glass produced by Allister Malcolm of the White Cone Museum of Glass in Wordsley